Monday, March 3, 2014

Today is officially DAY ONE.

I put  a new battery in the scale, stepped on it and it said EE - hmmm User error of some sort or maybe a different message - Enough is Enough

As of today
- follow Atkins - strictly (except quitting coffee)
- no drinking - which will be difficult given the circumstances
- no eating after dinner - enough is enough
- exercise - 30 minutes a day - it can be accumulative (stairs count)

Weigh-in is on Monday - need to get a scale though :-)
Free day is Saturday - need to stay on the induction phase for 2 solid weeks though

God and family, pray for me and your own patience as I transition.

Update :
Atkins - Phase 1 Induction
- Foundational Vegetalbles
- Protien Sources
- Natural fats
- Vitamins and minerals

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