Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 16, 2014
Here is an update that actually is a new starting point. I went to Lifetime today in order to get my workout mojo back. I am in need of routine cycling in order to get set for Lake Garda ride in Italy.

The update is that I weighed in at 241pounds. My last visit to the doctor in January had me at 254 and I am sure it did not go down much from that point. This continues to prove that the Atkins diet plan works for me. I completed the induction phase today and am moving into the OWL (ongoing weight loss) phase.

In the OWL phase i can start adding a little more variety into my diet. Here is a short list of things I can start adding back into the diet:
- Nuts and seeds
- Different vegetables
- some fruit

The key is to focus on the Net Carbs (increasing the daily amount), eat the recommended amount of protein and fat to keep me satisfied and this should be a good phase.

The one issue I do have is that I did not track the number of net carbs I took in on a daily basis during the Induction Phase. So my plan is to stay in Induction a few more days, record my net carbs and see where it takes me.

At the gym:
30 minutes on the stationary bike - 8.8 miles
Weights - focus on chest

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