Saturday, March 1, 2014

Assumptions are made everyday that are often right and often wrong. Here is a definition I found on some website :
  • n.noun
    1. The act of taking to or upon oneself.
      assumption of an obligation.
    2. The act of taking possession or asserting a claim.
      assumption of command.
    3. The act of taking for granted.
      assumption of a false theory.
    4. Something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof; a supposition.
      a valid assumption.
    5. Presumption; arrogance.
    6. A minor premise

I make assumptions everyday. I assume that I will wake up, the dog will need to go outside and that my coffee maker will work and that I will have a number of emails that require either to be deleted or read. These assumptions rarely are inaccurate. I also assume that today is the day I will start eating right and working out more. That assumption never holds true. Never. I may do well for breakfast and lunch but as the day goes on and stress levels change (another assumption: stress will enter into my daily routine) my ability to focus on tasks at hand waivers and food becomes a crutch I use to get me thru the day. And that crutch usually is around until the minute I go to bed. 

I am 54 years old and getting closer to 55. I weigh 255 pounds, the most I have ever weighed in my life. The last several years have seen my weight fluctuate between 204 pounds and my current weight. I assume that is not good for my body. 

I do not smoke. I do drink. Micro-brews and vino are my drinks of choice. 

I am happily married and have three children I am proud of. Two are in college and one in high school. I live in the Chicago suburbs and have been in this part of the US for 30 years. If you are interested, I am ready to move but that may or may not be in the cards. I may decide to post more on that later. 

I assume that my life will last longer if I were in shape and weighed less. This BLOG is about my effort to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I will post when I can and post items that I think are helpful for a person my age may be interested in and be able to learn something as I learn myself. 

Tonight is Night One - and of all things it is a party for my in-laws 60th wedding anniversary. 


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