Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Today is the last work day before vacation - it is to Italy, and my first trip to Europe. I loking forward to the trip. I will hone my skills on posting to blogs.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 16, 2014
Here is an update that actually is a new starting point. I went to Lifetime today in order to get my workout mojo back. I am in need of routine cycling in order to get set for Lake Garda ride in Italy.

The update is that I weighed in at 241pounds. My last visit to the doctor in January had me at 254 and I am sure it did not go down much from that point. This continues to prove that the Atkins diet plan works for me. I completed the induction phase today and am moving into the OWL (ongoing weight loss) phase.

In the OWL phase i can start adding a little more variety into my diet. Here is a short list of things I can start adding back into the diet:
- Nuts and seeds
- Different vegetables
- some fruit

The key is to focus on the Net Carbs (increasing the daily amount), eat the recommended amount of protein and fat to keep me satisfied and this should be a good phase.

The one issue I do have is that I did not track the number of net carbs I took in on a daily basis during the Induction Phase. So my plan is to stay in Induction a few more days, record my net carbs and see where it takes me.

At the gym:
30 minutes on the stationary bike - 8.8 miles
Weights - focus on chest

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Today is the 15th of March, Saturday, and I just took down my Christmas lights. It has been about 80 days since 12/12 and the weather was only good enough today to make this move.

I was out of town all week on business that included going to Indy and Lansing, MI. The trip to Indy was for the National Sales Meeting. talk about a challenge - alcohol and food. But I managed to stay the course, stay on my diet and not drink.

My clothes are telling me a little weigh has been lost. Again - no scale so no proof.

Will continue to try to maintain as the positive feelings are pretty good.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Latest update - scale is showing EE - gotta believe it is broken.

There has to be something about the Gruneisen or the Dumstorf family that is directly tied to the butter of nuts. Peanut butter is definitely crave and I can sit with the jar and a spoon all night long. So, I have to break that habit.

Since I have no scale, I am assuming my first week is successful. The clothes fit a bit differently, but no real tell tale signs.

This week is going to be very tough with our companies National Sales Meeting being held in Indianapolis.

What I heard in church this morning was not to give into temptation and to make the right choices. That is what I will focus on.

Enjoy the week.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Today is officially DAY ONE.

I put  a new battery in the scale, stepped on it and it said EE - hmmm User error of some sort or maybe a different message - Enough is Enough

As of today
- follow Atkins - strictly (except quitting coffee)
- no drinking - which will be difficult given the circumstances
- no eating after dinner - enough is enough
- exercise - 30 minutes a day - it can be accumulative (stairs count)

Weigh-in is on Monday - need to get a scale though :-)
Free day is Saturday - need to stay on the induction phase for 2 solid weeks though

God and family, pray for me and your own patience as I transition.

Update :
Atkins - Phase 1 Induction
- Foundational Vegetalbles
- Protien Sources
- Natural fats
- Vitamins and minerals

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2 - Thoughts

One thing I have been told is that at my age, I need to focus on increasing testosterone in my body. Doing so would help me be healthier overall.

I worked with a wellness center in Naperville called Toensing Family Chiropractic. I went through a cleanse program and lost 20+ lbs.

Now I am looking at supplements to increase testosterone. I don't like to take supplements and will most likely not go down this path. Dr. Corey at Toensing prescribes Standard Processing supplements or vitamins.

Testosterone boosting supplements i read about.

New terms I am learning:
Endorphins - feel good neurotransmitters
Serotonn - mood and depression

Center for Disease Control on Physical Activity

Leo and Shirley Celebrate 60 Years

Saturday March 1, 2014

It started in 1954 and the latest version of Shirley and Leo's life together resulted in a gathering at MK Restaurant located in Chicago. Leo, Shirley, Laura, Lisa, Marilyn, Mark and Kevin joined in for the dinner. The meal, lets just say was very very good. It included Gnocchi with bison short ribs and monchego cheese, scallops - deep divers, Pan Seared Tune, Salmon and Bison rib eyes. The pm frites with the truffle ketchup. The follow on dessert included S'mores, chocolate cake and apple strudel surprise. There were several different adult beverages servers including dirty martinis, vodka, amaretto stone sour, IPA and Ale's followed by a Valpelicello and Pouilly Fuse. Of course coffee and scotch, baileys and port were involved.

Now, how do I take that info and turn it into a motivational post about health and nutrition? Well, you don't. What it means to me is there has to be balance in your life. Saturday's are for food balance. Especially when it is at a 4 star spot. I have to understand that these types of events are unavoidable and enjoyable, so there it is.